As explained in the section "Coherent Economic Movement", the movement is considered an instrument of self-expression and self-healing. The experience of years of research has led to the awareness that extending one's motion vocabulary facilitates the exploration of one's personal movement in the search for the pleasure of fluidity and minimal effort.
"Handstand" and "acrobatic movements" are used to broaden and enrich our improovisational dance. Through this logic, the practitioner is led to meet his limits with the intention of extending them, learning not to exceed them, thus leading to a maintenance of body well-being and at the same time an increase in confidence and pleasure for the body potential and the expressive capacity.
The study described takes into consideration, among other concepts:
  • the presence of the spiral movement in the vast majority of global movements,
  • the importance of column lengthening,
  • the function of the breath and the connection between the parts in the generation of the fluidity of the movement,
  • the importance of learning to use the dynamics of existing movement (momentum) to generate a new movement
    the need for appropriate training (specifically DanSoma is suggested) that puts the body in a listening position and develops the ability to release unnecessary tension and increase joint mobility to be able to deal with the exploration of complex movements in a healthy and conscious manner.